Saturday movie and frozen zombie
It's Saturday and I have to pass by the office to do a few stuff. And so, since I'm on Makati already, I decided to call some friends and invited them if they fancy watching a movie. Jeff, Juan and I met at Figaro, Greenbelt3. We watched Wedding Crashers after going to Glorietta to grab some food for take out. It was a funny movie.
After watching, I called Jule and invited him to hang out. Jule is one of my long-time friends in Accenture. We have been friends through rough and good times. He's my friend through thick and thin. Well, after the drinking last night at Gweilo's, my taste buds are telling me no more beers for tonight. And so I thought of us going to Masas in Greenbelt2 and just have their famous frozen zombie on a pitcher(costs P295). Jule, Sergio (Recy's bf) and Cookie followed shortly but Sergio had to work and so he cannot stay for long.
Are Filipinos brave enough to approach a lady they fancy in a bar? For some reason, Juan decided to approach this girl who's sitting next to our table with her girl friends. The girl is pretty and seems to be nice but not the type who's "adventurous". He was able to overcome his fears, maybe with the help of alcohol at first, but he was able to pull it through. Although, he wasn't successful in getting the girl's number, the point is, he took the courage and did whatever he wanted.
When does one stop and say 'The search is over' (for Mr. or Ms. Right)? After all the questions on what does the group look for in a girl or guy physically, after all the pitchers of frozen zombies, this became one of the big questions of the night. Different thoughts and views, realizations and reactions. One will keep on looking for a better person until she decides who to love. As Cookie said, Love is a decision. The group agrees.
Everybody left Masas sleepy but happy and hungry. We grabbed some breakfast at a nearby McDonald's store and Juan was so generous to treat us. Maybe because he was happy that he was able to do the thing that he never imagined he could do. Or just simply, we had some good conversation which made us all feel good.
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